May, 2020 - Colliers Hill
Fall leaves - hero image

Colliers Hill News & Events

How to ROCK a Rock Garden!

Landscaping rocks. We mean that as both a verb and a noun – great landscaping adds hugely to curb appeal, and landscaping ROCKS, can combine with plants to put your house on the map. That’s right. A rock garden, with succulents and florals, can make your house a landmark in the neighborhood — the one everyone remembers because of its uncommon visual interest – “Just look for the rock garden …”

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Essentials for the Perfect Picnic!

With our options somewhat limited for outdoor activities, one fun thing to do is picnic with family in open space, a local park — even in your own backyard! State parks remain open in Weld County, for all outdoor recreation, and public areas continue to be cleaned regularly. So that means you can make a day of it, and enjoy the season’s mild weather, fresh air and vitamin-D producing sunshine!

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PROFILE: Ash Marie, Photographer

Colliers Hill resident Ashley Marie Einerson bought her first real camera when she was pregnant with her son. She and her husband Jeff were researching family photographers and decided they could pay $800 for family photos or invest in a camera and shoot the pictures themselves.

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Restaurant Favorites to Make at Home!

With restaurants closed in Colorado due to stay-at-home orders/safer-at-home guidelines, you may find yourself craving your old favorites. Skip the delivery fees (and sometimes the empty calories!), save a few dollars, and make your treasured treats right at home, from entrees and side dishes to sauces and desserts. We’ve rounded up the best copycat restaurant recipes, so you still can enjoy all of your standard fare and yummy treats safely at home.

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