July, 2021 - Colliers Hill
Fall leaves - hero image

Colliers Hill News & Events

Having a Merry Berry Summer

Berries and cherries are in season and at the top of our list for not just great finger-licking taste (naked, blitzed or baked into recipes) but also as a top source of vitamins, minerals, and disease-fighting nutrients. Here’s why you should be buying and eating berries and cherries while you can, and squirreling them away in the freezer for fall and winter!

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Backyard Composting 101

Compost is what you get by combining yard and garden debris, kitchen scraps, grass clippings and other organic materials. The result when these items have completely broken down into a rich, dark, crumbly material call humus that will feed your plants, bushes and trees exactly what they need to grow lush and lovely!

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How Much House Can You Afford?

Less than a week ago the Denver Post reported that the average home price topped $725K for the first time EVER. And the median home price for a single-family home reached $600,000 in June – another first — meaning that half of the homes sold above that price and half below. For condos and townhomes – AKA paired offerings — the median sales price was unchanged from May at $380,000 – but that’s up 16.9 percent over the past year.

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How much house can i afford question and model of home.

Unique Vacation Rentals!

Over the last 18 months, vacationing was mostly stay-rationing — families weren’t option for the usual summer getaways — even within the borders of Colorado! But this year, people are venturing out for a change of venue. We looked around for a few of the most unique vacation rentals in our state and just beyond, for a fascinating collection of places to visit this summer.

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