Parents and Kids - Colliers Hill - Page 4
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Colliers Hill News & Events

Unique Vacation Rentals!

Over the last 18 months, vacationing was mostly stay-rationing — families weren’t option for the usual summer getaways — even within the borders of Colorado! But this year, people are venturing out for a change of venue. We looked around for a few of the most unique vacation rentals in our state and just beyond, for a fascinating collection of places to visit this summer.

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Unique Vacation Rentals!

Crafty Ideas for Snowy Days

While we’re not sure how many more snow days might be in our future, it’s always a good idea to have a few “inside things to do” when we have to hunker down for another snow-apocalypse! Here are some crafty things-to-do when you feel like (or need to) hang out indoors for a few hours — or a few days!

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Crafty Ideas for Snowy Days

Feed the Birds!

Does spending more time at home over the last few months make you more aware of the songbirds in our neighborhood? The chirping and warbling of birds, like the black-capped chickadee, or the Western meadowlark – is music to our ears. What a great attitude toward life — to wake up singing! If you’d like to attract an avian chorus to your backyard – make a bird feeder! That’s one way to guarantee the melodies of nature will waft through your windows at sunrise!

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Feed the Birds!